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Contemporary Art: Your Interpretation of Today

“All art is contemporary art because it had to be made when it was now.” 

— James Turrell

The definition of contemporary art has changed from time to time as per the influences of the evolving society. It has always been a moving target. Most art movements were considered ‘contemporary’ during their times and were only later named by historians based on what they portrayed. What we consider ‘contemporary’ today might be named something else by historians decades later, of course based on a congruence that they might end up finding in the art pieces of our times. 

In today’s day, there are multiple ways through which one can portray their views and ideologies on reality. Contemporary art today seeks to break the boundaries of art as a whole, which can also be metaphorically seen as a fight for the freedom of expression. Liz Deschenes’s Tilt/Swing (2009) is a great example of this, which not only disrupts the conventional ways of display and viewer’s participation, but also redefines the boundaries of photography.

Source:- Liz Deschenes, Tilt/Swing (360º field of vision, version 1)2009

Apart from this, contemporary art can also be seen revolving more around politics — as an amalgamation of art and activism.

For example, Sue Williamson’s For 30 Years Next to His Heart (1990) showcases the documentation of a black individual’s passbook during apartheid which portrays suffrage under bureaucracy and systemic racism that can also be seen today, especially in white dominated societies. There are many such works which give out a message or rather a strong shout to the society to stand united against such conundrums.

Source:- Sue Williamson, For Thirty Years Next to His Heart1990

Today, contemporary art has become an interactive medium for activism and influence, where it is not just the artist who creates the art, but also the viewer whose participation plays a key role in bringing it to life.

Article by:- Vandana R


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